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M&A Competition

A competition that will allow participants to hear and network with industry professionals while having a practical opportunity to learn the skills of negotiation. It will allow to test participants' valuation techniques and ability to consolidate large amounts of information into understanding the different leverages each side will utilise.

About the event

Enhance negotiation skills, emphasize key information, and master valuation model calculations for confident decision-making in finance.
Experience the day-to-day life of an analyst while gaining key insights into this dynamic market. Uncover real-world scenarios and learn by doing.
Students will gain practical experience in actively playing a role in the decision-making process of a deal. 

Panel discussion with
M&A professionals

To discuss different aspects of working within the industry and sector accompanied by a Q&A session. Topics will range from the process of executing M&A deals, the progression of the sector in the current market conditions, and insights that the professionals may provide.

Explanation & Instructions

Participants will be expected to create 8-10 teams with 4-5 people. Half of the teams will represent the acquiring company and the other half the company that might be acquired. During the competition each acquiring company will be paired with one acquired company and the case-study will be presented.


All teams will have 30 minutes to digest the packet of additional information about both companies’ finances, the expectations for both companies in the future and then market conditions. Each team will be provided with a valuation model created beforehand, that will allow them to input the variables that will eventually yield a price range that each team should aim for.


Each team will then meet with their paired team to enter the first round of negotiations on reasons why the other company should accept the price offer. Then the teams will enter the second round to see if they can strike a deal or not.

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Final Presentation

Each pair of teams will present after the end of negotiations a very brief presentation of how the negotiation went, summarising the goals that each company had going into the negotiation, key points of contention, and how they arrived at the outcome of the negotiation. The judges will then provide feedback on how the actual case-study happened in real-life.

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